Mondays: 9am-7pm, Tuesdays: 9am-7pm
Wednesdays: 7:30am-7pm, Thursdays: 9am-7pm, Fridays: 9am-7pm, Saturday: 9:00am - 3:00pm, Sundays: Closed
Dentist showing female patient how the adult orthodontics will work with her teeth
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Orthodontics in Orangeville

Orthodontic treatment isn't just for teenagers anymore. In fact, the Canadian Association of Orthodontists states that one in every four orthodontic patients is over the age of 21. Many adults are choosing orthodontic care because they understand the importance of maintaining their health and want to improve their appearance.

Common issues that adults seek orthodontic treatment for include:
  • Crowded or spaced teeth
  • Unfinished orthodontic treatment from childhood
  • Teeth that are worn down or missing
  • Loss of gum or bone tissue
  • Jaw pain or discomfort caused by misaligned teeth
  • A desire for a healthier mouth
Book an appointment now
Results of having Adult Orthodontics
Proper Alignment - When your teeth are well-aligned and healthy, it's easier to take care of them, and it can help prevent future health problems.

Boosts Confidence - Getting effective orthodontic treatment can improve your overall well-being and give you the freedom to smile without any worries.

Preventative - By addressing potential long-term health issues early, you can avoid higher costs for treatment down the road.

Restorative - Sometimes, orthodontic treatments are necessary to help your dentist restore damaged or missing teeth.
Smiling female patient with adult braces
Do you want to know more about our Orthodontics services? Feel free to ask Dr. Rakhshanfar or any of our team members for more details.
You can give us a call at 519 938 5200 to set up a time to talk or to find out about the price of Orthodontics at our clinic. Our dentist and the team are here to make sure you have a great dental experience and to keep your smile healthy and shining.
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Our Primary Care Includes

  • Comprehensive annual physicals
  • Vaccinations
  • Online Bill Payment
  • Healthcare Research
  • Professional Medical Services
  • Free Consulting
  • Preventive and wellness care
  • Chronic Disease Management

get an appointment TODAY!


Our team of highly trained professionals uses the latest dentistry technologies to maintain your brilliant healthy smile. Located at 287 BROADWAY, ORANGEVILLE come
visit us today.
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