Mondays: 9am-7pm, Tuesdays: 9am-7pm
Wednesdays: 7:30am-7pm, Thursdays: 9am-7pm, Fridays: 9am-7pm, Saturday: 9:00am - 3:00pm, Sundays: Closed
Dentist showing patient dental veneers options
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Dental Veneers in Orangeville

A veneer is a thin, custom-made ceramic shell designed to discreetly cover the front and side surfaces of your tooth. Typically made from ceramic materials, veneers are mostly personalized to match your natural teeth and securely attached through bonding. Despite their slender design, these coverings are remarkably durable, providing long-lasting quality for many years.

Veneers aren't suitable for every patient, but they offer a cosmetic solution for various dental issues, such as gaps between teeth, fractured, chipped, or worn teeth, misaligned teeth, teeth permanently stained or discolored, and teeth that are misshapen or asymmetrical.
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How are Veneers installed?
Step One
In the beginning, your dentist may choose a shade that closely matches the natural color of your teeth. They prepare the tooth's enamel to ensure the veneer blends in seamlessly with your nearby teeth. The existing enamel serves as a base to which the veneer is attached. After this preparation, your dentist takes an impression of your teeth to make a replica. Temporary veneers made from composite material are then carefully created in the dental office. These temporary veneers are placed on your teeth to cover the prepared areas and provide protection while the permanent veneers are being carefully crafted in a dental laboratory.

At your next visit, your dentist carefully places the custom-made veneers on the prepared teeth. The veneer is attached to both the front and side surfaces of your tooth. Once in place, a safe, high-intensity light is used for 30 seconds to firmly set the veneer in position. Before they are placed, skilled ceramists can customize the colour of the veneers to ensure your smile achieves perfection.
Smiling Viva Dental Orangeville patient with new dental veneers
Do you want to know more about our Dental Veneers services? Feel free to ask Dr. Rakhshanfar or any of our team members for more details.
You can give us a call at 519 938 5200 to set up a time to talk or to find out about the price of Dental Veneers at our clinic. Our dentist and the team are here to make sure you have a great dental experience and to keep your smile healthy and shining.
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Our team of highly trained professionals uses the latest dentistry technologies to maintain your brilliant healthy smile. Located at 287 BROADWAY, ORANGEVILLE come
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